After School Club FAQs

What should they wear?

Please pack comfy sports-wear - socks, t-shirt, jumper / hoodie and shorts / jogging-bottoms / leggings - and a rain jacket incase of rain.

In the colder months, hats, gloves and thermals make a huge difference so please provide these as well if your child has them.

On hotter days, please pack sun cream (your child will need to be able to apply this themselves) and a sun hat.

Footwear: moulded football boots offer the best grip all year round. However, if your child already has astro boots these will be fine for most of the year as they still offer a good grip. Strong-grip trainers are ok but we do recommend football boots in the colder and wetter months as these offer the best grip. We do ask that the girls don't wear metal-studded boots though.

Shin pads: as a number of the girls wear football boots, we recommend that they wear shin pads as these will protect the children’s shins. Shin pads can be worn under long socks, football socks, leggings, jogging-bottoms.

 For further advice on what to wear, please email

What else should they bring?

Please make sure your child brings a full water bottle.

We also allow the girls to have a quick snack from home before the session starts as they are often hungry when they first come out. Please remember to pack this if you would like your child to have one. Please follow your child’s school’s guidelines on food allowed i.e. no products containing nuts.

Do I need to pick up my child at the end of school and take them to the Footbellas session?

No, your child will be on our register and one of our coaches will collect your child from their classroom and take them to the session within the school grounds.

Who should I contact if any of the details I provided when I made the booking has changed?

Please email and we will update our records accordingly.

Can my child just turn up to an after-school club session on the day?

As there are essential details we require prior to the session (such as medical conditions, emergency contact details etc), we require all children to be registered with us prior to the session. Our registration process also enables us to confirm that a space is available on the course. To register your child visit our After-School-Club page.

Who should I contact if I have a question or concern?

The happiness and safety of our children is our utmost priority. If you do have a question or concern please don’t hesitate to contact Rachel and Bekki at